- What is DISC?
- Who created DISC?
- How can DISC be used in my organization?
- How much does DISC cost?
- Do I need get Certified in DISC?
- What are Extended DISC® assessments?
What is DISC?
DISC is a self-assessment that measures how an individual prefers to interact with others. DISC creates a common language and a self-awareness to better understand ourselves and others. The online DISC questionnaire takes only 10 minutes to complete. The assessment reports can be customized for all levels of the organization.
Organizations and facilitators choose the DISC assessment because it is easy to administer, user-friendly and a powerful tool in a wide range of applications.
The DISC model divides people into four main behavioral styles. Individuals are identified as either People-oriented or Task-oriented. They are further distinguished as Reserved or Active. The resulting behavioral styles are called:

Who created DISC?
No one owns DISC. The DISC model is in public domain. It is based on the work of Carl Gustav Jung who created a groundbreaking model for human behavior in his 1921 book, Psychological Types. Dr. Jung recognized that people can be divided into four main styles. In 1928, William Moulton Marston published a book, Emotions of Normal People. He built upon Jung’s work and named the four main behavioral styles, D, I, S and C.
A few organizations have created their proprietary assessments based on the foundations of Dr. Jung’s and Dr. Marston’s work.
How can DISC be used in my organization?
Our clients use Extended DISC® with their employees to equip them with skills to modify their behavior to become more successful by:
- Understanding how people are different
- Developing confident self-awareness
- Learning to identify the styles of others
- Modifying behavior based on the other person’s style
The participants become more aware that their success is determined in a very large part by how well we interact with other people. They learn how to effectively relate, communicate, influence and motivate others to create successful relationships with subordinates, customers, prospects, colleagues, managers, friends and family members.
Among the most popular applications are:
- Leadership development
- Sales training
- Communication skills training
- Customer service training
- Team development
How much does DISC cost?
We offer different pricing options tailored for your needs. We offer special pricing for non-profits and government agencies.
Do I need to get Certified in DISC?
No. Certification is optional.
However we offer several Certification options to fit your needs and preferences.
What are Extended DISC® Assessments?
Extended DISC® is a suite of online DISC assessments that identifies individuals’ hard-wired DISC style. The results are tailored to your unique needs and preferences. You are not forced to select from a few off-the-shelf reports.

The assessments can be customized for specific job roles and industries to provide the most relevant information employees need. In addition, the DISC assessments can be tailored for content, length, pictures, colors, logos, page order, etc. to provide the most applicable and user-friendly assessments.
Once an individual completes the online DISC questionnaire just once, the results can be provided in any assessment format at no additional cost. Also, Team/Group Organizational Assessments, and Pair Assessments can be created at no additional cost and without having to ask the employees to complete the questionnaire again.
All assessments are built on a very practical, 4-steps to Effective Behavioral Modification process. It ensures individuals will modify behaviors.